He goes to the other side of the lake, to the area of the Gerasenoi. Then, when he gets out of the boat, a person with an unclean æther, whose dwelling was in the mausoleums, comes to him from the tombs. Not even with chains can anyone ever bind him. Many times he has been bound with chains and manacles, but the chains he tears apart and the manacles he clashes, and no one has the strength to overpower him. He exists, all through night and day, in the mausoleums and the hills, croaking and cutting himself on the stones.
He sees Yoshua from a distance. He runs and worships him, and cries in a great voice — What have I to do with you, Yoshua, most mighty Divine One? I concede you [are] divine; do not try me!
He says to him — The unclean æther [shall] come out of [this] person. What is your name?
— Brigade is my name, for we are many. He begs him very much that he not send them away from that place. There was there on the hill a great herd of piglets feeding, and he begs him — Send us into the piglets, so we [can] enter into them. He fixes on them, and coming out, the foul æthers enter the piglets, and the herd rushes along the bank into the lake, about two thousand [of them], and drowns in the lake.
Those who tended them flee. They report [this] in the city and in the farms, and they come to see what has happened.
They come before Yoshua, and see the influenced [one] sitting clothed and of sound mind, the one who had posessed the Brigade, and they become afraid. Those who saw [it] describe what happened to the influenced one, and about the piglets. And they begin to beg him to go away from their borders.
[When] he gets in the boat, the influenced [one] begs to be with him. He does not allow him, but says to him — Go to your house, to your [people], and tell them how much the Master has done for you, and had mercy on you. So he goes away and begins preaching in the Decapolis how much Yoshua did for him. All are amazed.
Yoshua crosses over again in the boat to the other side. A large crowd gathers to him; he is by the lake. One of the leaders of the synagogue comes to him, Yaeiros by name, and seeing him, he falls at his feet and begs him very much, saying — My daughter is nearing her end; go lay your hands on her that she may be rescued and live. And he goes with him.
A large crowd follows him, and crowds him [close]. [There is] a woman, who has had a flow of blood for twelve years, enduring much under many physicians, spending all she had but never being helped, going deeper into hardship. Hearing about Yoshua, she comes [up] behind in the crowd, and [she] touches his cloak. For she says — If I touch even his cloak, I will be rescued.
Then her flow of blood dries up, and she knows in [her] body that her ordeal is cured. Then Yoshua, perceiving in himself capability expended, turns around in the crowd, and says — Who touched my cloak?
His students say to him — Do you see the crowd pressing you?
— Who touched me? He looks around to see who did it. The woman, trembling and afraid, knowing what has happened in her, comes and worships him, and tells him all the truth. And he says to her — Daughter, your trust has rescued you; go in peace, and be cured of your ordeal.
[As] he speaks, they come from the synagogue leader’s, saying — Your daughter died; why disturb the teacher any longer?
But Yoshua, hearing the message spoken, says to the synagogue leader — Do not fear, only trust. He allows no one to accompany him except Petros, Yaakov, and Yohanan the brother of Yaakov. He comes to the house of the synagogue leader, and perceives noise and much wailing and keening.
He goes in, and he says to them — Why are you making noise and wailing? The child has not died, but is sleeping. They mock him.
But throwing all [of them] out, he brings the child’s father and the mother, and those with him, and goes in to where the child is. Seizing the child’s hands, he says to her — Talitha qoum, that is in translation — Little girl, I say to you, ‘Wake up.’
Then the little girl wakes up and walks around. She is twelve years old.
Then they are greatly disturbed. He orders them strongly that no one know of this, and tells [them] to give her [something] to eat.